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Natural habitat exhibiting over 350 birds. Handfeeding and photo opportunities.

Introducing some of the almost 60 species, you'll see with us ...

Eclectus Parrot

The stark contrast in plumage between the male (green) and female (red) Eclectus Parrots meant that until the early 20th century, they were thought to be two different species.

Found in the rainforests of Cape York Peninsula, the Eclectus Parrot caused confusion amongst ornithologists for over a century. It was not until 1913 that the bright red and green parrots often seen together were accepted as being of the same species. Unlike most parrots, the female is more brightly coloured with vibrant red feathers.

Black Cockatoo

Some Australians believe this cockatoo brings rain and are happy to see it for this reason.

The Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is native to Australia and more widespread in the northern, drier parts of the continent. They prefer Eucalyptus woodlands and riverside trees, but they can live in a wide variety of habitats, including subtropical rainforest. Their lifespan is 20 years in the wild and 50-100 in captivity.

Southern Cassowary

The casque is spongy inside, rather than bony, and may act as a shock-absorber that protects the bird’s head when it pushes through dense thickets of rainforest and scrub.

The endangered Southern Cassowary lives in the tropical rainforests of Far North Queensland. It is Australia’s heaviest, flightless bird and although it’s easily identifiable with its striking blue and red neck, they are hard to spot in the wild. The casque on top of the Cassowary’s head continues growing throughout its life.

Fig Parrot

The Double-eyed Fig Parrot gets its name from the patches on its cheeks which, in some subspecies, resemble another set of eyes.

The Double-eyed Fig Parrot is found in a variety of areas including rainforest, secondary growth forest, forest edge, riverline forest, occasionally dry forest and open eucalypt woodland. It’s native to Australia and forages for figs, berries, seeds, nectar and the grubs of wood-boring insects, insect larvae, fungus and lichen.


Like most cockatoos, Galahs mate for life and create very strong bonds with their partners.

The Galah is native to Australia and can be found across the country, except in the very dry desert regions and dense forests. They eat seeds, grains, fruits, nuts, berries, grasses, roots, leaf buds, green shoots, as well as insects and their larvae. Their life expectancy is 40 years in the wild (up to 80 years in captivity).

Superb Fruit Dove

The Superb Fruit Doves are some of the most important seed dispersers in Australia’s tropical and sub-tropical forests.

The Superb Fruit Dove is found in rainforests, rainforest margins, mangroves, wooded stream-margins and even isolated figs, lilly-pillies and pittosporums. It lives in east-coastal Queensland from Cape York to around Rockhampton. It has a lifespan of 4-12 years.

Gouldian Finch

During the breeding season, Gouldian Finches nest mainly in tree hollows and they are the only grass-finches that do so.

The Gouldian Finch is native to Australia in tropical northern sub-coastal areas, from Derby (Western Australia) to the Gulf of Carpentaria and central Cape York Peninsula. They live in the tropical savannah, thickets and woodlands with grassy plains usually near water. Life expectancy up to 5-9 years.

Major Mitchell Cockatoo

The Major Mitchell’s cockatoo generally keeps its crest flat, but during a display, or when excited or alarmed, it raises its conspicuous crest to either attract a female or threaten a rival.

Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is native to Australia and occurs across the semi-arid and arid inland, in south-west Queensland, most of New South Wales and South Australia, north-west Victoria and the south-west of the Northern Territory. It lives in scrublands, savannas and wooded grasslands. Can live for 70 years.

King Parrot

Australian King Parrots are social birds, typically found in pairs or family groups, and are often found socializing with species of Rosella.

The Australian King Parrot lives in rainforest, wet eucalypt woodland, coastal woodland and parks and gardens near forest, in the east coast and ranges of Australia. It can be found from Cooktown in Queensland through to Port Campbell in Victoria. They forage for seeds, fruit, nuts, nectar, blossoms and leaf buds.

Little Corella

The scientific name for Little Corella, Cacatua sanguinea, means ‘Blood-stained Cockatoo’ and refers to the dark pink markings between the eye and the bill.

Little Corella’s are widespread throughout Australia, although large gaps separate some populations. They’re also found in southern New Guinea. They often form large flocks, especially along watercourses and where seeding grasses are found, and are known to live for approximately 20 or more years.

Pied Heron

Pied Herons often nest colonially with other species of heron, though not much more about their breeding behaviour is known.

The Pied Heron is native to Australia and can be found in the country’s northern coastal areas, from the Kimberleys in Western Australia round to Townsville in Queensland. It lives on the edges of swamps, lakes, lagoons, mangroves and mudflats and eats fish, frogs, crustaceans and insects. Lifespan is 10-15 years.

Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeets were accidentally introduced into Western Australia and are considered pests by the state government.

Rainbow Lorikeets are found almost anywhere along the east coast of Australia from Cape York to Tasmania, both in towns and in the bush. They are also found in eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. They forage on the flowers of shrubs or trees to harvest nectar and pollen, but also eats fruits, seeds and some insects.

Black Swan

The Black Swan’s neck is the longest of any swan species.

Black Swans are native to Australia, including Tasmania, and mainly occur in Australia’s south-eastern and south-western wetlands. They prefer larger salt, brackish or fresh waterways and permanent wetlands. Their life expectancy is 10-15, however can live up to 30-40 years in captivity.

Intermediate Egret

During breeding season, the Intermediate Egret develops dense plumes of feathers on its breast and long feathers on its back that reach past its tail.

The Intermediate Egret is found in eastern and northern parts of Australia, including Victoria and most of New South Wales and Queensland, tropical north of Western Australia and Northern Territory. They are known to live for approximately 15 years.

Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet

The Scaly-breasted Lorikeet gets its name from the yellow markings on its chest which resemble a reptile’s scales.

Scaly-Breasted Lorikeets are found in the coastal regions of eastern Australia, from Cape York in Queensland to southern New South Wales. They feed on nectar and pollen that they harvest with their brush-tongues, mostly from eucalypts, but also from native shrubs.

Wandering Whistling Duck

Adult Wandering Whistling Ducks will often ‘adopt’ orphaned or lost ducklings. Groups of 60 or more ducklings with only one or two adults accompanying them have been recorded.

The Wandering Whistling Duck is found in north east New South Wales, eastern and northern Queensland, northern parts of Northern Territory and north east Western Australia. They feed almost entirely on aquatic vegetation and seeds, but also on young grass, the bulbs of rushes and other herbage, insects and other small aquatic animals.

Blue and Gold Macaw

Blue and Gold Macaws typically only raise one chick, even when more than one egg has successfully hatched. The adults will choose the more dominant chick of the clutch and concentrate their efforts on it, allowing the other, weaker ones to perish in the nest.

The Blue and Gold Macaw has a native range of northern to central South America. It lives in wooded areas, usually near water, including the edge of lowland humid forest, gallery forest in savannah, savannah with scattered trees and palms, swamp forest and palm swamp. Their life expectancy is 30-35 years in the wild.

Blue-Fronted Amazon

The Blue-fronted Amazon is one of the most popular parrot species to have as pets, as they are quite affectionate and are prolific talkers. However, harvest for the pet trade is causing a drastic decline in its wild population.

The Blue-Fronted Amazon is native to north-eastern through to southern South America. It inhabits a range of wooded areas and open country side with trees and is found in forests, woodland, savannah and palm groves. They eat any available fruits, especially palms, nuts and seeds that they get from high in the canopy.

Indian Ringneck Parakeet

Ring-neck Parakeets are one of the few bird species that can achieve a vast number of colour mutations. From about 20 primary mutations, there now exists over 200 mutation combinations.

The native range of the Indian Ringneck Parakeet is Western Africa and Southern Asia. They occupy a range of habitats including semi-desert, open scrub, bushland, evergreen forest, light rainforest and agricultural land with scattered trees. They also inhabit gardens, orchards, towns and cities.

Green-Cheeked Conure

There are several colour mutations of the Green-cheeked Conure, including Cinnamon, Yellow-sided, Pineapple (Cinnamon and Yellow-sided combination) and Turquoise.

The Green-Cheeked Conure lives in dense, low forests and woodlands with glades in its native South America. Their life expectancy is 10 years, although can live up to 30 years in captivity. It eats various seeds and fruits and probably other kinds of vegetable matter.

Dusky Lorikeets

Like all members of the lory/lorikeet tribe Lorini, Dusky Lorikeets have a special brush-tipped tongue, covered in fine hairs known as papillae, which they use for drinking nectar and eating fruit.

Dusky Lorikeets are native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and live in tropical and subtropical lowland forests, mangrove forests and montane forests. Their life expectancy is 28-32 years and they have harsh screeches, similar to other lorikeet species. They eat fruit, nectar and pollen in high quantities.

Alexandrine Parakeet

The Alexandrine Parrot was named for Alexander the Great, who was notorious for exporting these birds to royalty and nobles all over Europe and the Mediterranean, where they were considered very valuable.

The Alexandrine Parakeet is found in a variety of habitats, including moist and dry forests, cultivated areas, mangroves and deserts, across several countries. This includes India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea, Laos, Vietnam and Andaman Islands. Their lifespan averages 30 years.

Chattering Lorikeets

Lories and lorikeets will travel over 30 miles and spend nearly 70% of their day foraging for food.

Chattering Lorikeets hail from North Maluku, Indonesia and live in the canopy of coastal lowlands and upland montane forests. Their life expectancy is 8 or more years and they have a loud, nasal calls and braying sounds. Their preferred diet includes nectar, pollen, fruits and maize. They average 30cms in length.

Nicobar Pigeon

The Nicobar Pigeon is the closest living relative to the extinct Dodo.

Nicobar Pigeons come from the Nicobar Islands, through the Malay Archipelago to the Solomon Islands. They prefer uninhabited and remote islets with original forest vegetation, though these must be close enough to large areas of lowland rainforest which it requires for foraging.

Black-capped Conure

Black-capped Conures are highly social and interactive creatures, they can live in flocks of up to 40 other birds.

The Black-capped Conure is native to areas of South America including Peru, Bolivia and Southwestern Brazil. They are found up to 300m elevation in humid lowland tropical forest and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries. Their lifespan is approximately 10 years with a potential of 30 years.

Mandarin Duck

The Mandarin Duck is widely regarded as the most beautiful duck in the world.

The Mandarin Duck hails from East Asia. Their habitat is the forests of China and Japan and they prefer wooded ponds and fast flowing, rocky streams to swim, wade and feed in. They mainly eat plants and seeds, especially beechmast; also snails, insects and small fish. They are known to live for 3-12 years.

Black-capped Lorikeet

They are known for their playfulness and clowny characteristics.

The native range of the Black-capped Lorikeet is New Guinea, the western Papuan Islands and Indonesia. It’s found in forests and forest edges and also occurs in partially clear areas and swamp forest. Its wild diet includes pollen, nectar, flowers, fruit and insects. They can live up to 20-25 years.

Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Finch

Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Finches have been introduced to the Hawaiian Islands, in particular Hawaii and Oahu.

The Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Finch are found in sub-Saharan Africa, where they are common and widespread across much of central and eastern Africa. They are mostly absent from the northern half of the country. They inhabit open grassland, savanna, bush or wooded areas and cultivated lands, with the exception of forest interiors.

Birdworld Kuranda is open 10am – 4pm daily, at the Kuranda Heritage Markets. Handfeeding and photo opportunities.

Birdworld Kuranda replicates the natural habitats of almost 60 species that roam this unique rainforest immersion exhibit. On entry, you pass through our gates and arrive at the atrium where our feathered friends are eager to greet you. Should you want to handfeed the birds, feed can be can be purchased from our front counter.

Access around Birdworld Kuranda is on a paved pathway, making it very accessible. Features include ponds, gentle water features and a combination of exotic and native plants. A highlight for some is the Finch Aviary, which contains over 10 different species of these small and colourful birds. There’s also a secure enclosure for our magnificent and endangered Southern Cassowary, a male called Jimmy. Birdworld Kuranda is home to one of Australia’s largest collection of free-flying birds and truly is a photographers delight, so don’t forget to bring your camera. There are no time limitations on your visit, so you can wander at your leisure and see how many different species you can spot.

Birdworld Kuranda Prices & Packages

Birdworld Kuranda

  • Adult $22
  • Child $11

Birdworld Kuranda is home to one of Australia’s largest collection of free-flying birds. Almost 60 rare and spectacular bird species from the rainforests of Australia and around the globe. Including Amazonian macaws and the endangered cassowary. Handfeeding and photo opportunities.

Bespoke Birdworld

  • Adult $60
  • Child $30

Bespoke Birdworld is an intimate experience. Meet our keepers at 9.30am, before the aviary opens to the public, for an exclusive 30-minute tour. Highlights include hand feeding an endangered cassowary, parrots, lorikeets and other birds their breakfast. Max 6 guests. Min 2. Must be booked by 1pm the day prior.

Friends in the Rainforest

  • Adult $39
  • Child $19.50

2 great wildlife attractions, Birdworld Kuranda and Kuranda Koala Gardens. Kuranda Koala Gardens is a boutique wildlife attraction, showcasing some of Australia’s amazing, native animals. Koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, freshwater crocodiles and more. Pat a koala for a souvenir photo (extra cost).

Kuranda By Design

  • Adult $158
  • Child $98

A VIP package where you get to spend some exclusive, small group time, with the keepers at Birdworld and Kuranda Koala Gardens. It starts with a Bespoke Birdworld tour and ends with a 30-minute guided tour of Kuranda Koala Gardens, including meeting a wombat, a koala patting photo and more.

Kuranda Wildlife Experience

  • Adult $62
  • Child $33.50

3 wildlife attractions for 1 great price. Birdworld Kuranda. Kuranda Koala Gardens. The Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, which is home to more than 1,500 superb tropical butterflies including the spectacular Ulysses. Free flying habitat. Three great wildlife attractions in Kuranda Village.

Birds & Butterflies

  • Adult $44
  • Child $24.50

Birdworld Kuranda and the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary paired up to bring you the Birds and Butterflies package. Entry to these two great attractions, which both have free flying habitats, allows you to be surrounded by living colour. No maximum time, so just enjoy the wildlife that surrounds you.

Kuranda Explorer

  • Adult $66
  • Child $33

The Kuranda Explorer package includes 3 great attractions. Birdworld Kuranda. Kuranda Koala Gardens. Kuranda Riverboat, which runs 45-minute tropical rainforest river cruises, on the mighty Barron River. These cruises are relaxing and informative. Bookings are essential, as space is limited.

© Birdworld Kuranda 2025

Website created by RJ New Designs